Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Petition to BOF

From Erin: Some friends and I are starting a petition to try and get the board of fiance to put forth a 3.5% increase as they promised. We will be at the town green tomorrow across from the library (community center) from 2:30 to 3:30 with the petition.

wording of petition:
The following registered voters in Lebanon, Connecticut respectfully ask the Board of Finance to
reconsider a 3.5% increase for the Board of Education Budget so that it may be voted on as part of the overall town budget.

Pass it on!!


Unknown said...

I'm confused, the petition states that a 5.36% increase is requested not a 3.5% as you've stated above.

Barbara Comstock-King said...

You're right--they went up to a 5.3% after this was posted. Thanks, Mike.

Anonymous said...

The 5.36% was the full budget increase. The 3.5% is what was originally approved by the BOF.