Thursday, April 8, 2010

Some mis-information redirection

The BOE's income is down for the 2010/11 school year. Income=ECS money (state $), tuition students and special ed billings. Columbia is not providing the contracted 15 students ($10,000 per student), which has been known since the Fall. There is a lawsuit is in place. VoAg numbers are also down. But the BOF has never held the BOE accountable for income in the past. That revenue has to be made up--not enough made in tax dollars.

Also, there is a number floating around: a $3500 raise per teacher for next year. That is an average of everyone's contracted raise, not an across-the-board raise. Keep in mind--it is contracted. Unless the union gives some $ back, the BOE has to pay exactly what the contract states.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the fact that Columbia isn't sending as many students as they should and the voag enrollment is down are possibly signs that a Lebanon education is not as good as it should be because they are cutting too many essential programs. Maybe the town should consider shutting down the high school all together and sending our children out to neighboring schools like other towns do!